The card design was hand punched (I can't get enough of the tree punch.) The "snow" was created with two different bit sizes with the Japanese screw punch (it is also very awesome. I tracked it down at Lee Valley a few years ago.) and the eyelet in the top left corner was set using an eyelet setting tool that is way too easy and fun to use. The card is finished with a piece of hemp cord tied at the corner. I didn't have envelopes for the cards so I ended up re-using (environmentally friendly and economical!) some kraft paper (of which I have a lot from my many, many trips to The Paper Place) to make envelopes. I decided to try stamping with white ink and now I can't stop using white ink on kraft paper:

(This is why I make, like, 5 cards a year. It's so labour intensive. I need to come up with less complicated ideas.)
In non-craft related news (or the reason for why I haven't done any of the crafting I had planned for the holidays yet), I may or may not have spent upwards of 4 hours a day for 3 days straight playing Rock Band 1 and 2 (Rock Band 2 is so much easier! Classic rock and metal (metal!) are way too complicated.) on Wii. Despite the many hours of "band practice", I can't say that I've improved all that much in fake singing, fake guitar playing or fake drumming. Favourite fake instrument has got to be the drums though. They should have a fake keyboard. I think I would be better at that. At least the years of piano lessons should come in handy, right?